How to Sync Statuses in GitHub

    In this article, we describe how to sync status between instances GitHub and Jira.

    You need to configure the mapping between statuses on both sides.

    GitHub to Jira sync

    GitHub Outgoing sync rules

    Send local status to the remote side:

    replica.status = issue.status 

    Jira Incoming sync rules

    Set the local status based on the received status value from the remote side:

    def statusMap = [
           // "remote status name": "local status name"          
    		 "open" : "To Do",
             "closed" : "Done"    ]
    def remoteStatusName =
    issue.setStatus(statusMap[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)

    Jira to GitHub sync

    Jira Outgoing sync rules

    Send local status to the remote side:

    replica.status = issue.status 

    GitHub Incoming sync rules

    Set the local status based on the received status value from the remote side:

    def statusMap = [
           // "remote status name": "local status name"          
       		 "To Do" : "open" ,
             "Done" : "closed"     ]
    def remoteStatusName =
    issue.setStatus(statusMap[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName)

    Alternatively, you can set the default local status using the getStatus node helper method.

    issue.setStatus("status name")

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