Zendesk - Version 5.1.1

    Released for ZENDESK on May 17, 2021

    In this release, we introduced a new license type - the Free plan license. With this license, you can set up basic synchronization with limited functionality and use it for free.

    If you want to use full Exalate functionality you can upgrade the license easily. Also, we've added some bug fixes.

    In this release

    Bug fixes

    • ZENDESK-287 - Fixed the broken Zendesk logo in visual connections
    • EXACOMP-1266 - Fixed the broken local ticket link when synchronized using a basic connection
    • EXACOMP-1035 - Fixed the problem with Sync Panel when it's hard to select the connection from the list
    • EXACOMP-1235 - Fixed the problem with long ticket names overlapping on the connections page
    • EXACOMP-1253 - Improved the basic connection compatibility - now Exalate is not setting scopes and mappings if the scripted connection is created instead of a basic connection