How to Sync Any Entity in Exalate for ServiceNow

    Starting from version 5.0.28, Exalate can sync any entity from ServiceNow. This article describes examples of how to sync various fields.

    Scripts below use the field and table names from the ServiceNow database. You can find out the field and table names of any entity in ServiceNow. For more information, please read How to find out the name of a field in ServiceNow.

    In this section

    • ServiceNow
      • Outgoing sync
        • Script variables
      • Incoming sync
        • Script variables
    • Creating a trigger`


    Outgoing sync

    On the outgoing sync, you define which fields you want to send with each entity. Use the variable entity.tableName to know the entity you are executing the script for. With this script, you can sync fields from the Incident and Business Application entities.

    The Incident entity is located in the incident table in the ServiceNow database. This script shows how to sync the following fields from the incident table:

    • key
    • short_description
    • description
    • attachments
    • comments
    • state

    The Business Application entity is located in the cmdb_ci_business_app table in the ServiceNow database. This script shows how to sync the following fields from the cmdb_ci_business_app table:

    • key
    • short_description
    • description
    • name
    if(entity.tableName == "incident") {
        replica.key            = entity.key
        replica.summary        = entity.short_description
        replica.description    = entity.description
        replica.attachments    = entity.attachments
        replica.comments       = entity.comments
        replica.state          = entity.state
        Use a field's internal name to send its value
        Example: Resolution Notes -> resolution_notes
        This works for all other entity types as well
        replica.resolution_notes = entity.resolution_notes
    //any other entity can be synced using the table name and the entity variable
    if(entity.tableName == "cmdb_ci_business_app") {
        replica.key            = entity.key
        replica.summary        = entity.short_description
        replica.description    = entity.description           =

    Script variables


    A variable used to know what table to sync. Assign the name of the ServiceNow table name to this variable. This example shows how to sync data from two tables: incident and cmdb_ci_business_app. You can sync any entity within the if condition.

    For example, with the replica.key = entity.key line, you sync the key field from the incident table. You can replace key with other fields, like description or short_description.

    Incoming sync

    This script shows how to set up incoming sync for ServiceNow entities. This example script shows how to sync issues between ServiceNow and Jira.

    On the first synchronization, it's important to define what ServiceNow entities you want to create after receiving data from Jira. This is done with the if(firstSync) variable. In this example, Incident is used as the default entity, where all data is synced. The fields from the cmdb_ci_business_app table are synced in the Business Application entity.

     //Decide on the first sync, which entity you want to create based on the remote issue type
     if(replica.typeName == "Business Application"){
        entity.tableName = "cmdb_ci_business_app"
        entity.tableName = "incident"
    if(entity.tableName == "incident") { 
        entity.short_description = replica.summary
        entity.description = replica.description
        entity.attachments += replica.addedAttachments
        entity.comments += replica.addedComments
        Jira Custom Field to ServiceNow Field
        Apply the value from a Jira custom field to the Resolution Notes
        This works for all other entity types as well
        entity.resolution_notes = replica.customFields."Jira CF Name".value
        Status Synchronization
        Sync status according to the mapping [remote incident status: local incident status]
        If statuses are the same on both sides don't include them in the mapping
        def statusMapping = ["Open":"New", "To Do":"Open"]
        def remoteStatusName =
        entity.state = statusMapping[remoteStatusName] ?: remoteStatusName
    //any other entity can be synced using the table name and the entity variable
    if(entity.tableName == "cmdb_ci_business_app") { 
        entity.short_description = replica.summary
        entity.description = replica.description

    Script variables

    A condition where that defines the tables used to store incoming data in ServiceNow. With this script, you can store data in the incident and cmdb_ci_business_app tables.

    A variable is used to know what table you can sync. Assign the name of the ServiceNow table name to this variable. In this example, you can sync data into two tables: incident and cmdb_ci_business_app. You can sync any entity within the if condition.

    For example, with the entity.short_description = replica.summary line, you sync the summary field from Jira issues into the short_description field from incident table. You can replace short_description with other fields, like description.

    def statusMapping
    Sets mapping for statuses according to the following template [remote incident status: local incident status]. If you set the mapping from the example in ServiceNow, the New status in ServiceNow is displayed as Open in Jira.

    Creating a trigger

    If you want an entity to be synced automatically when it matches a ServiceNow query, you need to create a trigger for it in the Triggers tab.

    To create a trigger for any entity (table) on your ServiceNow ticket, just start typing the table name on the entity select field:

    Note: If there is only one entity type available, the select dropdown menu is disabled.

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