This Page can't be Found


    Sometimes it is not possible to verify admin access for Connections established in Visual mode in Exalate for Azure DevOps. This error looks different based on your browser.

    Google Chrome

    On Google Chrome you will see the following error message:

    Error Detail

    This page can't be found

    Visual Mode Connections in Exalate for Azure Devops fails verification

    Mozilla Firefox

    On Mozilla Firefox the error will be displayed on a blank page. You will be able to identify the error by a 404 error in the Network tab of the Firefox Developer tools.

    Visual Mode Connections in Exalate for Azure Devops fails verification


    Exalate for Azure DevOps verifies admin access through your Microsoft account at The identity platform used by Microsoft has a character limit for links. If the authorization link is longer than the said limit, this error will appear.


    To resolve this, log in to your Microsoft account before verifying admin access.

    For this method to work, open Exalate in the same browser you used to log in to your Microsoft account.

    1. Log in to your Microsoft account

    1. Go to
    2. Enter the email of your Azure DevOps account.

      Sign in to Exalate for Azure DevOps

    3. Select Next.
    4. Enter your password.

      Authenticate Exalate for Azure DevOps

    5. Press Sign in.

    2. Open Exalate in the same browser and verify admin access.

    Now you should be able to verify admin access, for your Connection in Visual Mode. 

    Note: For more information about the full process of initiating a Connection in Visual mode here, please read Initiate a Visual connection in Exalate for Azure DevOps.