How to Use a Store(Issue) Function

    This article describes how to use a store(issue) function that is available starting from versions and 5.1.4 and up. The store(issue) function can be added to the Incoming script rules for multiple purposes. It allows performing multiple consecutive operations within one synchronization. Here is an example of how to use the store(issue) function to define the order of the operations that are being performed.

    Incoming script rules

    if (firstSync) {
      issue.projectKey = "FOO"
      issue.typeName = "Task"
      issue.summary = "Hello there"
      store(issue) // creates the issue with only project, type and summary
    issue.setStatus("In Progress")
    store(issue) // transitions the issue to "In Progress"
    issue.comments = commentHelper.mergeComments(issue, replica) // adds comments after changing the status of the issue

    Another example of multiple operations:

    Incoming script rules

    issue.comments = commentHelper.addComment("Let's start progress", issue.comments)
    issue.setStatus("In Progress")
    issue.fixVersions = nodeHelper.getVersion("1.0.0", issue.project)
    issue.setStatus("In Review")
    issue.resolution = nodeHelper.getResolution("Fixed")

    Sometimes workflow configuration in Jira does not let you make changes under certain circumstances, like, for example, when the issue is closed. To make changes to the issue in this case it is required to open the issue first. This is when the store(issue) function becomes a handy solution. Exalate will check the issue status and will act accordingly. Depending on the issue status the ordering of the actions will differ.

    Incoming script rules

    if ( == "Closed" && != "Closed") {
      issue.description = replica.description
      store(issue) // first update the issue
      issue.setStatus("Closed") // then close it, because you won't be able to modify closed issues
    else if ( != "Closed" && == "Closed") {
      store(issue) // first reopen the issue
      issue.description = replica.description // then update it, because you won't be able to modify issues which are still closed

    Another valuable outcome is that the store(issue) function creates an issue ID that can be useful when creating REST API requests using this issue ID. If the store(issue) is not present in the scripting rules, the issue ID won't get created to be used in REST API calls. Otherwise, by adding the store(issue) function in the script you can customize the scripting rules further by using the issue ID.

    Incoming script rules

    issue.summary = "Summary"
    issue.typeName = "Story"
    issue.projectKey = "PROJA"
    store(issue)// creates an issue ID
    def issueId = // now it's guaranteed not to be empty
    def votes = new JiraClient(httpClient).http("GET", "/rest/api/3/issue/${issueId}/votes", [:], null, [:]) { response ->
        if (response.code >= 300 && response.code != 404) {
            throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Failed to perform the request GET  /rest/api/3/issue/${}/votes (status ${response.code}), and body was: \n\"response.body\"\nPlease contact Exalate Support: ".toString() + response.body())
        if (response.code == 404) {
            return null
        def responseStr = response.body as String
        responseStr ?
            new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(responseStr) as Map<String, Object>
            : null;